“Cultural and Educational Communications Corp.” is a company focusing on educational system in U.S. Our mission is to help Asian Americans, in particular Chinese-Americans to fully understand the essential of education of U.S.

Our goal is to bring kids, schools and its activities closer to the Chinese communities, to report the most updated education-related news and tips to help Chinese-Americans for better understanding the methodology of education in U.S. and the concept of participating and contributing to the community and country by running video program with name of “Talking about America” , “Acupuncture in US” ect. on Youtube and Gan Jing World.

“文化教育傳播公司” 致力於提供美國教育的資訊。我們的使命是幫助華人,尤其是在美華人和有意願來美留學的華人能夠充分瞭解美國的教育理念和教學方式。

